How to mark playlist for offline sync free subscription
How to mark playlist for offline sync free subscription

And there's a "Play Later" playlist to save episodes for later. Playback is always a piece of cake - just hit the play button whether the episode is downloaded or not. Subscriptions are awesome for your favorite shows, but we don't think you should have to subscribe just to play an episode you come across.

how to mark playlist for offline sync free subscription

#How to mark playlist for offline sync free subscription license

We view the catalogue as being community-driven, we're open to suggestions, and we make it available under a Creative Commons license (similar to Wikipedia's open source license). Users can follow these topics and see new episodes every day, even if they aren't subscribed. Not just "Technology", but "Gaming", "Social Media", as well as "Java" and "Programming" categories. Instead of using an existing catalogue such as iTunes', we were determined to build a catalogue ground-up, so we could more adequately capture niche topics. Player FM's cloud model means subscriptions sync across devices, so you can easily get up and running on new devices or even use it on 2 devices simultaneously. Feeds are fetched on our servers, not on users' phones, saving precious battery and bandwidth, and getting those podcasts updated fast (typically within 15 minutes of publications).

how to mark playlist for offline sync free subscription

  • Cloud, Cloud, Cloud! Unlike a traditional podcast app, Player FM's nerve center resides in the cloud.
  • There are many options for those who dig into settings, and advanced playback options such as speed control, skipping silence, and intelligently boosting volume.

    how to mark playlist for offline sync free subscription

    We don't accept that "ease of use" should equate to "dumbing down" and won't compromise on either simplicity or power. And yet, be powerful for hardcore podcast fans. You shouldn't need a university degree in RSS feeds to subscribe to your favorite shows and play them offline. Player FM is an opinionated app with its own unique take on the podcast experience.

    How to mark playlist for offline sync free subscription